Value Stream Mapping workshop
Overall workshop purpose
Effective value stream mapping helps you use the resources you have to deliver the highest possible value to customers. You will map the flow of work and use Lean thinking to remove the wastes (the pain, the delays, poor quality) that detract from delivering value.
It allows leaders to see the whole story and agree where they are now and where they want to go. You should not improve processes in one area without seeing the big picture first. This avoids making an unnecessary process more efficient.
Key steps of a Value Stream Mapping workshop
- Preparation: scoping, planning and data collection (over a few weeks).
- Day 1: mapping out what we do now – the reality rather than the “what we think is going on”.
- Day 2: designing what we want it to look like in the future. Agreeing the key measures we will use to actively manage the value stream.
- Day 3: developing the transformation plan, setting priorities, targets, owners and due dates.
- Execution: delivering the transformation plan – through activity and review meetings (optionally facilitator could be involved) and measuring the results.
What is a Value Stream
A value stream is the sequence of steps that goes from any request or order being received to it being delivered to the customer. This could be the frontline services you deliver or back-office tasks like accounting or recruitment. Value stream mapping paints a picture of the flow of work through an organisation. It is concerned with the “what we do” more than the “how we do it”.
Who participates?
Leaders responsible for delivering value to the customer. Up to ten people, representing all the involved functional areas, who have the authority to agree major changes. Value creators to share how work flows (or not) now.
An independent facilitator.
- Leaders are aligned on organisational purpose, have clear goals and agreed priorities.
- An understanding of what customers value (their voice).
- Basic knowledge of Lean principles (can be built into Day 1 and 2 or in advance).
On client premises. External meeting facilities can be sourced if required.
The organisation must properly resource the execution of the prioritised improvement plan.
For inspiration, read Karen Martin and Mike Osterling’s award-winning book “Value Stream Mapping”.